Baltimore County Arts Guild builds an inclusive community by connecting diverse groups of artists and residents of Baltimore County and beyond.
The artists and audiences who engage with the Baltimore County Arts Guild will understand the necessity of art in everyday life and the changes it can make in the fabric of our communities.
Baltimore County Arts Guild fulfills its mission by empowering artists and residents of Baltimore County and beyond to: share experiences; embrace the transformative power of creativity; and work toward a culture of justice, equity, and access.
As it develops programs, offers studio space, and promotes artists’ work, the Guild is committed to inclusive
cultural expression and actively denounces all forms of oppression, bigotry, and racism.
Inclusivity with regard to race, familial status, national origin, physical or mental disability, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religion, class, and age
Incorporation of and sharing with the community diverse means of expression, including dance, music, new media, theater, poetry, prose, and visual art
Willingness to provide artists with space, materials, and services
Accountability in the form of ongoing assessment of leadership and staff, aimed at personal and organizational growth
It is our belief that goals, objectives, and actions derive from these values.
Promote and develop artistic expression.
Provide diverse opportunities for social and cultural enrichment.
Inspire a wide public audience by actively communicating our message of equal and equitable arts opportunities.
Reach/support all residents of Baltimore County.
Look at community as a whole with intentional engagement of underrecognized populations in Baltimore County.
Recognize unique cultural differences among groups within our community as a whole and provide opportunities to share those differences.
Establish ways to engage the ever-changing diversity of our communities.
Meet people where they are