Thank you to our funders, sponsors and supporters!

Appalachian Bluegrass Shoppe
Arkia Wade
Artful Flea
Ayers Saint Gross
Baltimore Museum of Art
Baltimore Commission of Arts & Sciences
Bill's Music
Barbara Cox
Bluebird Fund
Catonsville Community Foundation
Catonsville Historical Society
Catonsville Women’s Giving Circle
Charlestown by Erickson Senior Living
Citizens of Baltimore County
David R. and Patricia Chason
Enjoy Baltimore County
Evelyn Dyke Schroedl
Franco’s Italian Bistro
Goucher College
Guinness Open Gate Brewery
John Carpenter-Atkinson-Maitland Fund
John Carpenter-Atkinson-Maitland Fund
John Murphy
Kathy O’Dell
Kirby Spencer
Loverde Family Foundation
Manjoe Insurance
Marilyn Maitland
Mary Catherine Cochran
Maryland Heritage Areas
Maryland State Arts Council
Maryland Symphony Orchestra
McFarland & Masters
Michele McFarland
Peace A Pizza
Rotary Club of Catonsville
Senator Edward Kasemeyer
Shore United Bank
Southwest Airlines
The Band Shop
Tom Quirk
Tradepoint Atlantic
TruAx Custom Frames
UMBC CADVC and the Family of George Steele
Whalen Properties
Baltimore County Public Library
Baltimore Museum of Art
Catonsville Restaurant Association
Catonsville Community College, Baltimore County
Patapsco Heritage Greenway
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Catonsville Chamber of Commerce
Contemporary Arts, Inc.